Being thankful during the month of November may be a bit cliche` but it is always good to start somewhere. For the month of November I am going to dedicate at least one post a week to something I am thankful for. It will help me reflect more on the positive things in my life, and hopefully enforce a more humble, and grateful frame of mind. I am dedicating the first post to the most amazing man in my life...My Superman...My Husband.
It's all the little things that I am most thankful for. I am not a morning person. As a child I never complained about nap time, and always cried for "5 more minutes" when my mother woke me up for school. Years later, as an adult, I was diagnosed with
"Idiopathic Hypersomnia", and now know there is a medical reason for my extreme daytime sleepiness. If left to my own devices, trying to get up, and get ready for work is like trying to make the Hulk take a bath. I am extremely impatient, I lack coordination, I can't remember where anything is, and ultimately end up spending my morning full of rage, and frustration. Take two: In walks my oh so loving, infinitely patient, and nothing less than amazing husband, Ken. Every morning Ken will get up and make my breakfast, pack my lunch, load everything I need into the car, and keep things running smooth and (mostly) on schedule. Each and every morning my husband shows how much I am worth to him, by helping me overcome the most difficult part of my day. For this I am extremely thankful!
Even though my husband has a lot of work to do during the day, he always finds time to log on to chat with me. Ken always makes a point to kiss me as soon as he see's me after work, he buys me little treats (like Dove chocolates or Ben & Jerry's ice cream), and will surprise me with a single red rose every few weeks. He opens doors for me, and other women too, and he holds my hand whenever the opportunity arises. Because we were married on February 1st, we make sure to acknowledge the 1st of every month as mini-anniversaries, and we always try to be the first to tell the other "Happy Anniversary". Sometimes I win, sometimes he wins, sometimes one of us remembers just seconds before the other and steals the win! And yes, today I won! It's a fun game, but a great way for us to recognize and celebrate the gift of our marriage to each other. For all these things I am extremely thankful!
Here is a picture of Ken's wedding ring I had inscribed with "My Superman For All Eternity."
My husband loves philosophy, he spends hours upon hours reading ancient Greek philosophers, Doctors of the Church, and many other great thinkers. I often think...who reads this stuff for fun?!!! husband! Because of his
dedication to philosophical truth and logic, he is the first person to call me out when I am being ridiculous. He is the one constant in my consistently inconsistent life. Sometimes I listen and take his advice, and sometimes I'm stubborn and stick to my own opinion, but nevertheless, I am extremely thankful to always have his steady and reasonable discourse in my life.
Occasionally I may joke that Ken is my "Saintly" husband. The truth is, he is the one of the most honest, disciplined, dedicated and loyal people I know. He sets an unwavering example by living a life full of integrity, devotion, and strong faith. Occasionally he may joke that marrying me is his "Get Into Heaven Free" pass. I don't argue with that one, because as funny as it is, it also rings of truth.
In a lifetime of chaos, and random bits of drama, Ken came into my life like a warm and gentle breeze, enveloping me with his love, friendship, acts of kindness, and his sound, reasonable mind. There is so much more I could mention...the way he makes me laugh, or knows when I've had a rough day and just need to be pampered...and even though I may not tell him all the time, I am extremely grateful to him, and thankful for him ALL THE TIME!
What are you thankful for in your life right now? Is there something someone recently did for you that you are thankful for? Do you have any little traditions that make you more thankful for those moments in your life?